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빨간모자 신용하님 뉘앙스영어

가정법 과거완료 연습하기(3) (part 4/4)

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가정법과거완료 더 연습해보겠습니다.


자, 시작할까요?



새 남친이 있는줄 알았다면 그녀에게 연락하지 않았을거야.




If I had known she was dating another guy, I wouldn't have contacted her.



네가 땅콩 알레르기가 있는 줄 알았다면  그 샌드위치를 주문하지 않았을거야.




If I knew you were allergic to peanuts, I wouldn't have ordere these sandwiches.




이바지가 폴리에스테르 재질로 만들어진것을 알았다면 사지 않았을거야.



If I had known these pants were made of polyester, I woudn't have bought them.




너가 맘에 들어하지 않을 줄 알았다면 다른 것을 샀을거야.



If I know you wouldn't like it, I would've bought something else.




네가 큰 곤경에 처해있다는 걸 알았더라면, 신경을 더 썼을거야.



If I had known you were in a big trouble, I would have paid more attention.




직장에서 이렇게 영어를 많이 쓸줄 알았더라면 영어공부를 더 열심히 했을텐데.



If I had known I had to use English ( I would have to)  at work so much,

I would have started learning English ealier.




네가 한국에 올줄 알았더라면 나 혼자 여행가지 않았을텐데.



If I knew you could come to korea, I wouldn't have gone on a trip by myself.





고양이를 키우는게 돈이 많이 드는 줄 알았다면  고양이를 키우지 않았을거야.



If I had known raising a cat cost  so much money, I wouldn't have gotten one.




비가 올줄 알았다면 세차 안했을텐데.



If I knew it would rain , I wouldn't have had my car washed.



그가 게이인줄 알았다면 추파를 던지지 않았을거다.



If i knew he was gay,  I wouldn't have flirted.



내가 잠재력이 있다는 걸 알았다면 이렇게 쉽게 포기하지 않았을거야.



If I had known I had potential, I wouldn't have given up that/ like that.


**given up that 이미 포기해버린 게 과거라면

 given up like that 이제 포기한 상황이라면 이것을 사용



걔가 날 차버릴줄 알았다면 에어파드 사주지 않았을거야.



If I knew she would dump me, I wouldn't have gotten her the Airpods.




그게 매운 줄 알았다면 안시켰을거야.



If I knew it was spicy, I wouldn't have ordered it.




<함께글> 가정법 과거완료 연습하기 (part 4/4)
