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빨간모자 신용하님 뉘앙스영어

마침 혹시 영어로 by 빨간모자샘

마침 배고팠는데 

때마침 좋은 생각이 떠올랐네

마침 시간이 좀 있어

혹시 주변에 5월에 결혼하는 사람 있니?

마침 날씨도 좋더라구요


마침 혹시 자주 사용하는 말이지요.

이것을 영어로 어떻게 표현하는 지 

빨모샘과 함께 알아볼까요?



< 마침 >


1. happen to + v


마침 나한테  지금 현금이 좀 있어.

I happen to have some cash on me right now.



마침 나한테 진짜 좋은 생각이 있거든.

I happen to have a really good idea.



마침 냉장고에 어제 먹다 남은 피자가 있었어

I happened to have some left-over pizza  from yesterday.



<소유권이 없는 경우>

There was/ were 

There happened to be some left-over pizza. 

<나에게 소유권이 있는 피자>

I happened to have some left-over pizza  



2. It just so happens (happened) that I have some cash on me.


1과 2 의 뉘앙스 차이
우연적인 조건을 얼마나 내가 강조하고 싶을 때 '때마침' 이라는 표현을 할 수 있듯이
it just so happens that 사용함.







혹시 지금 현금 좀 있니?

Do you happen to have some cash on you?




혹시 이런 거 어디서 사는 지 아세요?

Do you happen to know where I could get something like this?




혹시 먹을 것 좀 있어요?

Do you happen to have something to eat?




내가 아는 사람 중에 마침 곧 호주에 가는 사람이 있거든.

I happen to know someone who is planning to go to Austrailia soon.

It just so happens that I know someone who is planning to go to Austrailia soon.





주변에 혹시 ~~~해외에 갈 사람 있니?

Do you happen to know anyone who is planning to go abroad soon?




주변에 혹시 ~~~한 사람 있니?

Do you happen to know anyone who~~



같은 의미로  *by any chance

Do you by any chance have something to eat right now?

Do you have some cash on you by any chance?

Do you by any chance have some cash on you? 




Monday wore me out so much . What's more  I was about to die with hunger as soon as I got home. 

However my daughter saved me.  It so happened that she cooked ramyun.

She is not the sort of person who cook especially in the evening. She felt lazy after she comes back home from school.

But apparently she got so much praised by her art teacher and classmates. She 'd been doing her best with art homework.