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빨간모자 신용하님 뉘앙스영어

알다 영어표현이 9가지나 된다 by 빨간모자샘

~에 대해서 최근에 알게 됐어

이것을 이제야 알게 됐어 표현할 때 get to know become to know  로 할때가 많았는데 이런표현은 영어에 없다고 합니다.

한국어로 알다 하나면 되는데 영어에는 뉘앙스의  차이로 9가지 어휘가 있습니다.  




1. Know 알다 

사실과 정보를 알다


I know the way there.

I know his phone number.

I know where she lives.

 I know how spring comes.

cf) I know him well. (나 그 사람 잘 알아)




2. understand 이해하다 완전히 잘알다


I understand how you feel.

나는 네가 어떻게 느끼는지 이해해/ 네가 어떻게 느끼는지 알아. 같은 의미죠.



I understand why she did that but I don't agree with her opinion.

왜 그랬는지 알지만 그녀 의견엔 동의하지 않아.




3 find out 사실 정보 알게 되다 (몰랐는데 알게 되다) figure out 둘다 보통 get to know become to know  쓰고 싶을 때 쓰면 될듯.


I found out about that just yesterday.그걸 어제 알았어요.




figure out 방법 해결책을 알게 되다. 그 과정 변화를 이야기함. 


I figure out how to use it.

I figure out how to get there.

I figure out how to set up the alarm.




4. realize 깨닫다 (머리속 안에서 변화)  마침내 알게 되다 

cf) notice 외부와의 접촉을 통해서 변화를 알다(눈치채는것) 눈썰미로 알게 되는 것.

I finally realized what the problem was.(O)

I finally find out what the problem was. (X)




5. **notice 

외부와의 접촉을 통해서 변화를 알다(눈치채는것) 눈썰미로 알게 되는 것.

보통 notice 의 쓰임이 많네요. 


I saw my friend at school today and I noticed that she had gotten a haircut.

머리를 잘랐더라구요.

She came out a new album and I noticed that her syle had changed a little bit.



I ran into my friend on the street this morning and I noticed she looked a little different.

좀 달라보이더라구요.



I noticed you were drinking a lot of coffee today, did you have trouble sleeping last night?

커피를 많이 마시던데 잘 못 잤어요? 


I talked to my son on the phone and I noticed that he had caught a cold .



cf) notify 알리다  notification 공지



6. recognize 무언가 누군가를 인식하다 어떤 사실 사람 사물을 명확히 특정하며 구별하여 아는 것.


This morning , someon said hello to me on the street, but I didn't recognize him.


She looked very familia, but I couln't recognize her.

본듯한데 누군지 모르겠더라구요.


If you saw your boyfriend 's handwriting, would you recognize it?  알아보겠어요?




7. be aware of  의식하다 (어떤것을 두드러지게 느끼거나 특별히 염두에 두다) 지각하다 느끼고 알다

I wasn't aware of that policy.

They were aware of the rules.

We weren't aware of the rules.

They were not aware of the situation at the time.




8. be familiar with 숙지하다 잘알다.


I am not very familia with this topic.

Are you familia with this kind of situation?




9. Tell 판단해서 알다 


I can't tell what it says. 뭐라고 쓰여졌는지 모르겠어

I can't tell how 

Can you tell what this is? Do you think it's water?





I figure out how to fix the bike.

I figure out how to make eM fermented liquor.

I can't figure out how to do this.  어떻게 하는 건지 알수가 없다



This took me one month to figure out.

이걸 아는데 한달 걸렸다.

I would figure out the real target market.  진짜 대상을 알아내겠다.



I found out copyright expires 70 years  after the death of the author. 

I found out my daughter suffered from ear infection. she has been in and out of the hospital a lot these days.

But her illness doesn't get better. 

I should  figure out how to help her. 



Could you tell the differences between 예 and 얘?




***Staying put is the most risky position in a changing market.