make sure 확인하다는 의미로 알고 사용했었는데
빨간모자샘이 그게 아니라고!
다시 영상을 만드셨네요.
어떤 것을 확실하게 분명하게 파악한다는 의미가 절대 (X)
무엇을 (어떻게 어떻게) 한다 (O)
1. 꼭 (어떻게 ) 해주세요 (부탁)
Please make sure to v
Please make sure to wash your hands when you get home before you eat.
2. 나는 꼭 (어떻게)한다
I make sure to do something.
I amke sure to wash my hands after I use the bathroom.
Make sure that S + V
I always make sure that my phone is fully charged before I go out.
Make sure you have your mask.
(참고. take 챙겨가다 bring 챙겨오다 have 그냥 챙기다)
I always make sure that I carry an extra mask just in case I lose one.
잃어버릴 경우를 대비해서 여분의 마스크를 꼭 가지고 다닙니다.
When I'm going out for most than a couple of hours, I always make sure to fill up my dog's water bowl.
(두 시간 이상 나가있을 예정일때는 강아지의 물그릇을 꼭 채워 놓아요.)
I probably covered this expression before several times. But I just wanted to make sure that you understand the correct meaning and usage.
(이 표현을 예전에 몇번 언급했다. 하지만 정확한 의미와 사용법을 꼭 이해하길 바래서 다시 만들었다.)
1. Please make sure to do your homework.
숙제 꼭 하세요.
2. I just want to make sure that you review what we've learned today.
오늘 배운것 복습하세요.
3. I always make sure to nudge that my son don't talk on the phone while driving.
항상 아들이 운전중에 전화통화하지않도록 잔소리를 한다.
4. Please make sure not to check your text message or Sns on driving.
운전중에 문자, sns 확인하지 말아라.
5. I just want to make sure that my daughter come home early after school because she is young.
딸이 어려서 집에 일찍 오기를 바란다.
6. Please make sure not to gather more than 5 people.
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